rds cluster zerotime patch
3) tc-domains2022 클러스터 February 09, 2023, 01:20 (UTC+09:00)
Database cluster has been patched
2) tc-domains2022-instance-1 인스턴스 February 09, 2023, 01:15 (UTC+09:00)
Attempt to upgrade the database with zero downtime finished. The process took 0 ms, 5 connections preserved, 0 connections dropped. See the database error log for details.
1) tc-domains2022-instance-1 인스턴스 February 09, 2023, 01:15 (UTC+09:00)
Attempting to upgrade the database with zero downtime.
키워드 문구는 볼드 처리함.
신기하네. zero downtime. 아마 minor 한 부분 패치 후 reload 한것 같음.